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Sources for More Information

Bulletin #10: Plant Trees for America!

Help in Working With Partners

The following publications are available from the Arbor Day Foundation:

  • A comprehensive guide to action in any community where trees are valued–or should be. Emphasis is on working in partnership with others both internally on a tree board and externally with people ranging from politicians to under-represented populations.

  • This is Tree City USA Bulletin No. 36. Other bulletins also provide helpful information. The entire set of bulletins, in 3-ring binders, makes a great reference library for tree boards.

A Special Book

A classic book that combines help in both planting and organizing/working with volunteers is The Simple Act of Planting a Tree by Andy and Katie Lipkis. Andy is the founder of TreePeople, one of the organizations used as an example in Bulletin 10. Andy and Katie’s book can be either purchased or viewed online.

Links to Organizations Mentioned in Bulletin 10

Other Pages at

Explore and you will find much more information about tree planting, tree care, and volunteer programs.

Last Updated: 03/25/19

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